April 6th, 2011 — 11:14pm
Our pal Rhys Yeomans tweeted about this the other week, and needless to say, I was stoked. Basically Rhys had a pair of our Cali 2 sunnies and was so stoked on them he hooked them up with prescription clear lenses. I didn’t even know that kinda deal was possible. Anyway, pics or it didn’t happen:

We’ve sold out of the Cali 2′s, but still have some Cali 2.5′s for sale on our online store. So holla at that if you wanna hook yourself up with some dope sunglasses for what’s left of Autumn.
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April 5th, 2011 — 11:46am
The new 2020 (#39) dropped last week… it’s pretty wild! Real thick, loads of content (there’s even a little piece on our boy Mike McMah). Stoked on 2020!
You might have also seen this little double pager of Tenna breaking his elbow. Basically, Tenna was real keen to do something wild for the ad. The plan was to wallride the wall behind the rail, shoot over the rail and land at the bottom of the stairs.

Click on the ad to see it bigger
As it so happens, Tenna ended up colliding with the rail right at the top, shot over the bars and broke old mate elbow. Luckily he’s back on the bike and mended up already, hooray!
Comment » | Ads, Crew
April 4th, 2011 — 8:27am
The worst part about photos like this is that it’s all just too easy for Brock. You know, smith bees, ain’t no thang, just warmin up.

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April 1st, 2011 — 7:57am
Out of towners Tenna and Sam had already been intiated into the fold, but Jadan, Chris, Brad, Will G and Brock hadn’t been yet.
What am I talking about? The AB! A bed of chips, layered with yiros meat (lamb or chicken, it’s up to you), garlic sauce on steroids and topped with tomato sauce. Shit is excellent. Here we have Jadan enjoying his feast:

It’s good. Trust us. And trust is a must.
2 comments » | Crew, Photos