So, today, it’s Dishonour’s fifth birthday. It seems kinda weird to me, thinking back to that fateful night when I was chillin’ in the 3E house and decided that I wanted to start printing some t-shirts.
Since back then, the brand has come a long way. Like a really long way. Even though I still wouldn’t call Dishonour legit, back then it was really, really, really not-legit. It still kinda trips me out that it even went anywhere, or sold anything, cause the first few t-shirts were terrible. Guess I gotta say thanks to everyone that bought one of those tees!
I guess on a more serious note, I’ve got to say thankyou to everyone that’s ever bought a Dishonour product. This whole thing would have gone nowhere if nobody bought nothing. So seriously, thanks! And thankyou to all of the stockists, the team, anyone who has ever given me advice, all my mates past and present. I don’t want to rattle off names because I’ll forget people.
So anyway – this is not just a soppy post thanking everyone and acting like we’ve actually achieved something. There’s more!
For this kinda cool birthday/anniversary, we’ve re-released something. I know I preach day-in, day-out about limited edition this, not ever re-printing that, but I figured this was a special occasion so it’s ok. Kinda like when you’re 14 and Mum lets you have a beer at Christmas or whatever. And then your uncle puts Jack in your coke. Then you mess with something, then you’re grounded. Kinda like that.
But yeah, we’re re-releasing our I BIKE tee. I think this got dropped back in 2008, maybe 2009, and we did it for Adelaide and Melbourne. They both sold out in around 2 weeks, and since then we’ve been hassled hundreds of times to release them, or do them for other cities.
So just this once, we’ve made more! But this time, we’ve dropped them for every Australian capital city (and also for Helensvale – available exclusively from Vale BMX).
They’re available in white (HV has some blacks, but only for the Vale tees) and are out now on our online store. All of our stockists WILL DEFINITELY have them tomorrow if you want to buy from a store.
Here are some images:

What are you waiting for? Hit up the online store or a stockist real soon or you’re going to miss out.