Archive for June 2011
Tenna’s 21st
Me and my girl Emma made the 2000km round trip to Albury to celebrate Tenna’s 21st. Tenna is an O.G. and the raddest dude everrrrrr.
My boy Tenna
Dre Regli & Chris Cooper
Rhys Newling (of TRT) & Alice Fenton
Tinbum has the raddest moustache
Dre and Stingray
Cannot remember what this is all about… Doug Taylor
Luke Barling & Marnold
Stingray, Doug & Tinbum
Marnold’s take on the mullet
Rad times! And how cute is Dre’s new hairstyle. Super cute!
Mikey’s Music
Even though Mikey totally snobbed the phenomenom that is known as the Crispy Stream a few weeks back:
Vocko found it in his heart to give Mikey a bit of love. If you head over to the best website ever, you’ll be able to find out what kind of music Mikey is into right now.
Speaking of Crispy and their infatuation with JI, is this the sickest brag going right now or what?
I think we just made it.
1 comment » | Crew, Hype
Dommo’s been a little bit quiet lately, he had his bike stolen and spent a fair while waiting for insurance to cough up the cash for a new one. I actually don’t even know if he’s even got a fresh bike yet. In the meantime he has built up a scrapper, here are a few screencaps from the Pirie Jam we supported back in April. He’d have to be verging on ten feet…
Happy Birthday Tenna
Happy 21st birthday to OG team member Tennaaaaa
We are heading up to party with old boy Ten Ten this weekend, keen as mustard!
More Mikey
This time I’ve got a couple of shots of Mikey on the other side of the lens.
I believe it was Mykel Kay that was pushing the button on Mikey’s camera, props buddy!
Jayden Warn Jam / Warragul
I got an email earlier this week from Pat Freyne, basically letting me know that some crew up in Warragul (Victoria) are having a jam this weekend. Basically their mate had a bit of a car crash, and he got banged up pretty bad. Not only is he injured pretty bad, his bike got fucked up in the process.
We are supporting this jam with a little bit of product, if you’re in the area get down there, have a roll and donate some cash. Help out a brother in need!
I should also mention that we support a lot of jams, but I don’t really do much to promote them on here. That’s pretty lazy of me, and in the future I’ll try and post more about what we’re supporting. Also, if you are holding a jam or whatever, holla at us. We are always keen to support that shit!
Wogzie Cam
Wogzie (a.k.a Mikey McMah) recently took delivery of my Nikon D200 as a result of me jumping ship to Canon. Here are a few snaps from the last week or so…
Matt from Little Black Bike and me have been talking about doing a jam for months now… it seems like forever since we held the Dude Man Jam… that was back in April 2010, I think?
We’re going to have this one at Goodwood Skatepark / Plaza. If you haven’t been there before, Goodwood is a kinda fun skate plaza… but it’s missing a little something… so to spice things up we’re going to bring a bunch of ledges, rails, kickers and I think there’s a quarter pipe in there for good measure.
It’s in a couple of weeks time, so make sure you’ve got Saturday June 18 free. Should be a really fun afternoon.
Here’s the flyer:
Supported by Little Black Bike and Dishonour. Word!