Brock Edit
Just some clips from over the last couple of months from Brock.
Tenna got his new Fit edit dropping soon, and word is that he’s got a little Dishonour one coming soon too. Keen.
You may (or may not) remember that I used to work on a little something called The Photobook Project. While over the last year it’d been on hiatus, I found some time over the last week to piece together a bumper photobook. Check it out.
Somewhere around the 31st of May, we turn six. I can’t narrow the date down exactly – but late May, 2006, I got all excited and got a run of t-shirts printed.
Six years later, stuff’s a bit different, but it’s still kinda the same really. I don’t wanna get to heavy here, but Dishonour is still just a crew of dudes having fun on their bikes, making cool shit, nothing more, nothing less.
Thanks to every single person who’s bought something over the last six years. Wouldn’t be here without your support.
Much love.
Something different.
If you go to Little Black Bike, do yourself a favour and give Mikey a gold coin and ask for a chai tea. Best.
We went to this abandoned building in the middle of the city to listen to our friends band, I think you’d call it a hipster show.
You could buy beer, cider and wine from this:
Mikey and I did a wee bit of exploring, found this interesting bank, and then got kicked out by the head nazi hipster because we weren’t having fun like we were supposed to.
We then snuck back into the hipster festival. Beechy and his twin sister (?!) Erin jiggin.
Partying and bikes can be fun, but remember a lock.
Cracked out.
And as it turned out. Saturday weather wasn’t as bad as we expected. Acquired rail, rode bikes, nursed hangovers.
Colony dropped this dope edit from their China trip a few weeks back. Brock featured heavy along with our buddies Zingbergs, Marnold and Coopie.
Small photographic update from Moz. He’s come down from Mildura a few times over the last few months, and word on the street is he gets back his license reasonably soon. Which means more Mozzy. Good times.
Thanks to Ned / Stonetown for the photos.
I also forgot to post up this tear out from the last 2020.
Random fact. If you search Will’s name in google, you get this cat.
I can’t remember if I did. Found it a few months ago while browsing Flickr. Will Gunn, kickin’ it.