My dude Alex has been battling a bunch of little niggling injuries over the last few months, so riding kinda took a back seat to filming stuff. Anyway, he’s back on the bike as of yesterday, and filmed this little doubles edit with his buddy Tim. Solid lines.
I’ve known Jack for a bit now, he’s a good dude. He can also shred bikes real good. We’d planned on a more elaborate welcome edit, but you know. Check the latest 2020 for our latest print ad welcoming JK to Dishonour.
First up, Doug rules. This is a scraps mix of clips that Dougie’s collected over the last few years. DVD coming soon. And pretty much the entire Dishonour crew is featured, plus all our mates. So watch.
Filmed this a few weeks back, but lagged pretty heavy on getting it up. It’s here now though. Dullah holding it down at City Park here in Adelaide, style is so good.
The day before Slay, Strictly held a Under 18′s Game of Bike and then an 18+ rail jam on the top level of their joint. The rail jam was pretty rad, everyone was throwing hammers. Good times. Keep an eye out for Brock and Dullah holding it down.
Alex’s been riding for Colony since day one, and as long as I can remember he’s had a signature frame: The Sweet Tooth. He has a chat with us about it, and does stunts, good times. As a sidenote, Alex is a super rad kid.