Category: Photos
Last week Jack was in ADL with Brock, Vocko and Bics, filming for a little something something that Bics is working on. Shredder.
Thanks to Dave Rubinch for the photos.
Plywood Party… Doin it for Chief Street
On the weekend, our buddy Gus had a jam at the infamous Chief St. Basically, he’s got a sweet backyard ramp setup, wants expand it, doesn’t have money for ply… what better way than invite all the dudes round and get them to donate a sheet or two of ply each. I like Gus and I like his ramps, so I flicked a bit of coin his way to fund upgrades too, so he put a Dishonour sticker on his flyer. Everyone happy.
Mozzy killing it.
Col rules this vert wall. Gutter tap. Gotta be at least 20 feet from flat.
Dempsey a little later on in the evening, upside down with a few brews under his belt.
Oh and the flyer. I love this.
Big thanks to Dave Rubinich for supplying the photos. Best dude.
On the weekend we were jibbin’ around the place at this spot with a dope polejam setup. This is Shizee’s take on things:
“James Wade nearly did that (switch hanger photo below) and then lets just say Rhys was very impressed (photo below that)!”
Seriously though, much love to Shizee for clipping on Saturday. Dude is a gun at filming, so laid back and relaxed, but has his shit on lock. Check his blog because he’s alright.
While you’re here, here’s a photo of Rhys actually riding the polejam.
And finally, here’s a photo of my dude absolutely tearing the pole jam a new one. Sam Waters, switch whip. Sam don’t ride for us, but he’s my boy, so fuck it. Life isn’t that serious anyway. Props to Sam.
Last two photos by Dave Rubinich, check his blog for more.
Rubers sent through a couple of photos of Rhys getting wild over the weekend. It’s been ages since I’ve seen Rhys bust out a sprocket-stall-barspin to over, so gnar.
Dre flicked through this GIF of Tenna getting wild in Wagga. Big ledge to footpath gap.
New FP
The new FP has dropped – Coop interviewed me for a little piece on Dishonour, and we’ve got an ad in there too featuring my boy Rhys Gogel. Word to Coop for keepin FP rollin after all these years.
Almost ran this for an ad a few months back, spotted it on FP… why not repost over here. Sam shreds, good dude to boot.
Moving on: Alex Hiam
I’ve been sitting on posting this for a couple of days now, but I figure it’s about time just to get it on the table.
Alex has been a part of the crew for years now, so it’s kinda a weird moment right this minute. I guess the easiest way to put it, is that Alex has been made an offer way-too-good to refuse. And an offer that we couldn’t possibly match.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Alex for all his help, hard-work and support over the years. I can’t speak highly enough of the dude, and I wish him the best in the future.
We’re totally understanding of why he has to move on, and there are no hard feelings whatsoever.
Much love dude.