Dishonour Brand: BMX influenced apparel & denim from Adelaide, South Australia

Category: Photos

King of the Jibs / Slay the Rail Roadie

August 25th, 2011 — 12:49pm

As I mentioned yesterday, Dullah, Mikey and I went on a bit of a roadtrip up to Melbourne late last week, staying with Tom and Sam. It was a heap of fun, got to hang out with some really cool crew as well as being able to catch up with most of the Dishonour guys. Here are some photos of our adventures.

Mike McMah

Mikey, rest stop.

Dullah Djawas

Dullah was a bit giggly in the car.

Dullah Djawas & Mikey McMah

Mikey has the choice of blowing up an air mattress or sharing a bed with Dullah… sharing is caring I guess.

Doug Underhill

Word on the street is Doug’s on Dishonour.

Dullah Djawas & Mikey McMah

I think Dullah has a crush on Mikey. Bit cute.

Mike McMah & Tom Blanch

Tom is all upset cause I am in the process of swindling him out of his loose change. Dice rules.

Slayin' Dice

My winnings at the end of the night. $20 up or something.

Mikey McMah

This dude ruuuuuuled. Lovin’ life.

Mike McMah & Mike Moore

Mikey and Mikey.

Jack & Gonz

Jack O’Reilly and Gonz. Gonz is all pissy at me cause I beat him at dice half a dozen times. He can do wild halfcab bars though.

Mikey McMah

Coffee obsession.

Lots of bikes

Big crew rolling around, day after jibs.

Liam Zingbergs

Fuck I hate Zingbergs. Not really. Sorta. Nah he is cool. Ghetto screencap of some of Doug’s clips we were watching one night.

Dishonour Brand / Slay the Rails

It was so weird, but so cool, to see big dishonour logos on the Slay posters. So weird.

Slay the Rails

Someone about to do something down the rail.

Jadan Roxburgh, Alex Liiv, Brock Olive & Some Girl

At some point in the night Brock lost his shirt and shti got wild. Jadan, Liiv, Brock and some random girl that loves Brock’s muscles.

Brock Olive, Danger, Jack Elkins, Jadan Roxburgh, Alex Liiv

Wild times. Jack Elkins, Danger, Jadan, Brock, Liiv.

Mikey McMah

Feet out the window, whateverrrr.

Dullah Djawas

After sleeping 3/4 of the journey back to Adelaide, Dullah kept himself busy playing car cricket and doing this.

I might post a few more photos later in the week. But yeah. Rad trip, so stoked. Yeow!

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Slayin’ Jibs

August 24th, 2011 — 1:15pm

A couple of shots that our homie Cooper B sent through from the weekend. I can’t remember if I have posted about this or not (I probably should have), but Mikey, Dullah and I went on a roadie to Melbourne for King of the Jibs and Slay the Rails.

It was a real cool weekend, and we got to hang out with pretty much the whole Dishonour team which was a nice little bonus. Slay the Rails was definitely the highlight of the weekend, beers and riding was fucking rad! And it was so weird (but sooooooo fucking cool) seeing ‘Dishonour’ up on the walls and everything.

Mikey, Me and Tom. Mad salt face. Photo: Cooper Brownlee

Mikey at Slay. Mad salt face. Photo: Cooper Brownlee

I’ll be posting some more photos either today or tomorrow, good times. Oh and thanks to Tom B and Sam Wood for letting us stay at their joint. I’d Rather be in Preston for sure!

Update: Found this lil sucker over on ColonyBrock just doing what the fuck ever he wants I guess. More on Brock doing what the fuck ever in tomorrow’s post, but it ain’t on a bike. Haha.

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Nawwww Jack

August 17th, 2011 — 10:22pm

Today me and Jack shot a few photos, so I guess you’d call this a web ad featuring special guest Coach Karger. Yeow!

Jack Karger / Coach Karger / DISHONOUR UP IN SMOKE / Windbreakers / Tie Dye Tees / Beanies

Hit the online store to get some dope shit. Or drink beers. Whateverrrrrr.

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August 11th, 2011 — 8:21am

Illman hurt himself, so he’s been clipping with Caleb over the last few days. This edit is gonna be gooooood.

Caleb Johnson

Caleb Johnson

Stay tuuuuuned.

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WE NEED ROOM SALE ends tonight

August 10th, 2011 — 8:46am

The WE NEED ROOM SALE is ending tonight. So yeah, hit up the online store real fast and we’ll throw in a free tee with each pair of Old Mate Slim Jeans sold.

Mike McMah / Dishonour Old Mate Slim Jeans

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August 10th, 2011 — 8:19am

Tenna‘s my boy, word on the street he’s coming down to Adelaide for a lil’ bit sometime soon…

Tenna by Chris Cooper

Photo by Mr Chris Cooper.

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August 8th, 2011 — 8:37am

Bit of steeze, whatever.

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Nevin No Teeth Jam

August 5th, 2011 — 12:30pm

As I mentioned the other day, my pal Collin smashed his face up two weekends ago. He managed to mess his teeth up, and I’ll tell you one thing, dentists are not cheap. And Medicare and private health don’t help you out when you smash teeth out – I know from experience.

Collin Nevin / Nevin No Teeth Jam

I got so much love for Collin. Photo: Mike Moore

First up, props to Simeon and Mark for organizing the jam. They were running around all day heckling cats to donate, stoking the barbeque, and I guess just making the event fun. Without their enthusiasm and effort, I don’t think we would have raised as much coin as we did.

Dullah Djawas

Dullah Djawas, pegs to 180 bars on the grippy uprail addition. Photo: Ben McPherson / Cast and Crew

Along with Stowaway and Little Black Bike, we donated a bunch of product that got raffled off, and all-in-all the crew raised $750 to go towards Collin’s medical bills (which are somewhere between the $4-$6k mark). Jamie at Stowaway was rad enough to donate Collin a new United 40 frame, cause his looked like a banana after the crash.

Ryan Lloyd & Collin Nevin / Nevin No Teeth Jam

My boy Ryan handing Collin his new United 40 Frame. Photo: Jamie Moore / Stowaway Distro

Thanks to everyone that came out, donated some cash and had fun on their bike. And thanks to Little Black Bike and Stowaway for getting on board aswell.

The BMX family is strong in Adelaide.

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August 2nd, 2011 — 3:19pm

Brock is real good mannnnnn:

And a couple of shots courtesy of Stephen Joseph:

Brock Olive / Icepick by Stephen Joseph

Brock Olive / Truckie by Stephen Joseph

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Nevin No Teeth Jam

July 30th, 2011 — 9:56am

Tomorrrow there is a jam at Pooraka skatepark that we’re supporting. Basically our pal Collin Nevin wrecked himself a couple of weeks ago, headfirst-ed the pavement, pushed a bunch of teeth back and lost a tooth. Real bad times, and expensive dental bills. No flyer but here is some info from my boy Simeon.

All you little weiners out there, come help out a toothless pirate mate cause you know he’d do it for you!!!

Sausage sizzle and crazy raffle jump comp will be but a few of the xtreme attractions to look forward to. Prizes for best trick, biggest fly out you name it we got prizes for it.

COLLIN NEVIN is looking at about 6 grand to fix his pearly whites cause during a daring stunt he MASHED HIS FACE into the hard cold concrete floor AND BENT HIS FRAME so put ya filthy hands in ya tight assssss jean pockets and help out a brother in need .

If anyone has any ghetto ramps/rails/subs anything we can get creative with and keen to help out or knows someone that can PM myself or simeon…

So forward the shit out of this we need to raise as much as possible for COLLINS TEETH so help an awesome dude out, bring your friend and ride some BICYCLE MOTOCROSS..


We’re hooking up some product to be raffled out, so yeah go along, buy some tickets, help old mate Collin with his dental bills.

Oh and if you’re wondering how he crashed…

Collin Nevin / Nevin No Teeth Jam

Collin Nevin / Nevin No Teeth Jam

Collin Nevin / Nevin No Teeth Jam

Pics poached from Cast and Crew.

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